The Way We Were

Someday Trump will be gone. But what a collection of memories we will have...

Trump the clown
It all started with a publicity stunt by a celebrity buffoon
Trump mocks the disabled
The campaign showed us how a Trump presidency would look
A bit too cozy with Ivanka
We got to know the family man
Not the biggest inauguration crowd
Then came the biggest inauguration crowd in history
Who knew health care could be so complicated?
Nobody knew health care could be so complicated
Crazy Rudy Giuliani
And who knew all the best people included so many bent wingnuts?
Kellyanne and alternative facts
We learned how government can benefit from judicious use of alternative facts
Trump giving Hitler salute
Comparisons to the Third Reich abound for some reason
Trump CoronaVirus Address
When COVID-19 came along the president had a lot of positive, different numbers, all different numbers, very large numbers and some small numbers too, by the way
Trump the religious man
Trump's spiritual side shone through when he dispersed demonstrators with rubber bullets and gas so he could pose with a bible in front of a church during nationwide protests
Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.
The president amazed us all with his ability to distinguish elephants from other animals and to repeat the same five words over and over
MAGA loves COVID-19
Trump's own COVID-19 infection left him feeling better than he had in 20 years
Trump lost 2020 election
Trump was saddened to lose the 2020 election, and who could blame him since it opened him up to prosecution and civil action on multiple fronts
Trump supporters at the Capitol January 6, 2021
He expressed his disappointment by orchestrating a terrorist attack on the US Capitol while Congress was in full session
Trump and Melania leave the White House
He finally left before he was dragged out, but Melania had some spring in her step
Trump 2.0
And then lightning struck again. Trump was back, with even more ideas for the future of America.

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